#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) 2003 Jimmy Scott # $DevBox: Firewall.bin,v 1.3 2004/09/15 22:05:47 jimmy Exp $ # sysctl crap sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.blackhole=2 sysctl -w net.inet.udp.blackhole=1 sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1 sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.fw.verbose=1 # defines fwcmd="/sbin/ipfw -q" fw6cmd="/sbin/ip6fw -q" log="" # add 'log' to log, remember logs go to kern.info ! logudp="" # add 'log' to log, remember logs go to kern.info ! # more defines, fuck ipv6 hif=`sysctl -n net.inet.ip.portrange.hifirst` hil=`sysctl -n net.inet.ip.portrange.hilast` lof=`sysctl -n net.inet.ip.portrange.lowfirst` lol=`sysctl -n net.inet.ip.portrange.lowlast` # Flush everything ${fwcmd} -f flush ${fw6cmd} -f flush # Process dyanamic rules ${fwcmd} add 00005 check-state #${fw6cmd} add 00005 check-state # not yet implemented # Setup loopback interface ${fwcmd} add 02000 allow ip from any to any via lo* ${fw6cmd} add 02000 allow ipv6 from any to any via lo* ${fwcmd} add 02010 deny ${log} ip from to any in ${fw6cmd} add 02010 deny ${log} ipv6 from ::1 to any in ${fwcmd} add 02020 deny ${log} ip from any to in ${fw6cmd} add 02020 deny ${log} ipv6 from any to ::1 in # Deny multicast traffic ${fwcmd} add 02050 deny ${log} ip from any to in ${fw6cmd} add 02050 deny ${log} ipv6 from any to ff00::/8 in # Allow established TCP traffic ${fwcmd} add 03000 allow tcp from any to any established ${fw6cmd} add 03000 allow tcp from any to any established # Allow IP fragments to pass ${fwcmd} add 03010 allow ip from any to any frag ${fw6cmd} add 03010 allow ipv6 from any to any frag # ?! # Allow outgoing TCP ${fwcmd} add 03050 allow ${log} tcp from any to any out setup ${fw6cmd} add 03050 allow ${log} tcp from any to any out setup # Allow outgoing UDP ${fwcmd} add 03060 allow ${logudp} udp from any to any out keep-state ${fw6cmd} add 03060 allow ${logudp} udp from any to any out ${fw6cmd} add 03061 allow ${logudp} udp from any to any ${hif}-${hil} in ${fw6cmd} add 03062 allow ${logudp} udp from any to any ${lol}-${lof} in # Allow incomming DHCP replies ${fwcmd} add 03100 allow ${log} udp from any 67 to any 68 in ${fw6cmd} add 03100 allow ${log} udp from any 67 to any 68 in # Allow incomming WWW #${fwcmd} add 03200 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 80 in setup #${fw6cmd} add 03200 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 80 in setup # Allow incomming FTP #${fwcmd} add 03500 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 21 in setup #${fw6cmd} add 03500 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 21 in setup # Allow incomming passive FTP #${fwcmd} add 03600 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 1024-65535 in setup #${fw6cmd} add 03600 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 1024-65535 in setup # Allow incomming SSH ${fwcmd} add 03700 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 22 in setup ${fw6cmd} add 03700 allow ${log} tcp from any to any 22 in setup # Deny incomming ping requests ${fwcmd} add 05000 deny ${log} icmp from any to any icmptypes 8 in ${fw6cmd} add 05000 deny ${log} ipv6-icmp from any to any icmptypes 128 in # Deny incomming other info requests ${fwcmd} add 05100 deny ${log} icmp from any to any icmptypes 13,15,17 in #ipv6 had less crap # Allow all other ICMP, it's use is limited by the kernel ${fwcmd} add 06000 allow ${log} icmp from any to any ${fw6cmd} add 06000 allow ${log} ipv6-icmp from any to any # Deny everything else ${fwcmd} add 65534 deny ${log} ip from any to any ${fwcmd} add 65534 deny ${log} ipv6 from any to any